The Dental

Transform Your Practice, One Episode at a Time

Welcome to The Dental Lighthouse Podcast, where we get real about the everyday challenges in dental entrepreneurship. From boosting profitability to keeping your team accountable and strategically growing your business, we cover it all. Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help you work smarter and live better. Join me, Jason Tanoory, as we dive into strategies that can make a profound impact on your practice and your life.

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Latest Episodes

Mastering Servant Leadership: A Sneak Peek of Our Transformative Course Part 2

Welcome back to The Dental Lighthouse podcast for another exclusive sneak peek of our “Mastering Servant Leadership” course! In this […]

Mastering Servant Leadership: A Sneak Peek of Our Transformative Course

Welcome to a special episode of The Dental Lighthouse podcast, where Jason Tanoory, with over 20 years of experience in […]

Mastering Associate Performance and Productivity

In this insightful episode of The Dental Lighthouse podcast, we dive deep into the challenges and solutions for managing underperforming […]

Confronting Hygienist Challenges

In this episode, Jason responds to a critical question from a dental practitioner struggling with a hygienist who, despite being […]

Optimizing Dental Practice Efficiency

In this episode, Jason tackles questions from coaching clients and listeners, offering insights on how to excel not only in […]

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Be A Guest On The Podcast!

Have a question or a challenge with your dental practice? Join me on The Dental Lighthouse Podcast! We'll discuss your concerns, share ideas, and find practical solutions together. Use the button below to request to be on the show!


What Topics Are Open For Discussion On The Podcast?

Anything and everything relating to where you are in your business, what you are struggling with, and what you need help with. Leadership, management, practice growth, team and personal accountability, health and wellness, relationships, wealth management—nothing is off limits!

Who Can Listen To The Dental Lighthouse Podcast?

The Dental Lighthouse Podcast is for anyone in the dental world who could benefit from hearing real-world issues from others in our wonderful profession.

Can I Give Jason Some Context Of My Situation Prior To Recording The Call?

YES! We will have a few minutes before recording to ensure we are on the same page with your question or concern. We will also have a few minutes after we stop recording to make sure I was able to answer your question and set up action items and resources that will be delivered to you.

I'm Worried About Using My Real Name And Location On The Podcast

I will always ask if you would like to use a fictitious name and location to protect your anonymity and protect the team members we may need to discuss.

I'm Too Nervous To Be Recorded For A Podcast - Is there any other way to get Jason's insights regarding an issue?

Yes! Feel free to email me at [email protected], and I will try my best to answer your question on the air. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur, praesentium?